About us
Mark and Susie Roye are the founding directors of Somebody Cares San Antonio, and BloodnFire San Antonio. Their children include Jordan and wife Kacey, Ashley, Emiley, Bonnie and husband Matthew Allen. And, most excitedly, they have 5 grandchildren! Mark and Susie are devoted to compassion ministry and faith based social services fulltime, and have been in full-time ministry for 35 years. Both are ordained ministers, and certified Red Cross Chaplains. They network, collaborate, and partner with many San Antonio area ministries, Somebody Cares International, Houston, Texas founded by Doug Stringer, and Freedom’s Promise, Nashville, TN. They also have extensive experience in disaster relief and delivering humanitarian aid domestically and abroad.
What we believe
The purpose for this ministry to be an expression of the life of Jesus Christ and of modern Christianity through outreach to the poor, orphans, and widows, as outlined in Isaiah 58. God has a special place in His Father’s heart for the fatherless and widows. We purpose to be a team of servant leaders who proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ with signs following.
We believe in the One Triune God, Who is the creator of all things. He has spoken to us in the Bible, which we accept as his inherent and infallible written Word. In the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ, He entered the world as a baby, conceived by a virgin, fully man, yet fully God. Our rebellion against God had separated us from Him, and He became a man in order to restore us to intimate friendship with Him.
Jesus Christ lived a sinless life and then offered Himself on the cross dying as our substitute so that, through His sacrifice, we might be made right with God. After his death, he was buried and on the third day, He rose again victorious over death and powers of darkness. He later ascended bodily into Heaven where He is seated at the right hand of God the Father, interceding for us.
He then poured out the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, giving birth to His new community, the Church. In the Person of the Holy Spirit, Christ lives within His people, empowering us to be His witnesses to the world, and equipping us with spiritual gifts to do the works of the Kingdom of God. We believe that Christ will literally and bodily return to earth to claim His Bride, the one, true and universal church, and take her to Heaven to live and reign with Him throughout eternity.
We believe that at the final judgment , all who’ve refused God’s love revealed in Jesus will be sentenced to eternal separation from Him in Hell, and all who’ve received God’s love through Jesus Christ will be welcomed into everlasting joy in His presence in Heaven.
“They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long
devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been
devastated for generations.” (Is.61:4)
What about that NAME?
“….I will pour out my Spirit in those days; and they shall prophesy. I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth
beneath; Blood and fire and vapor of smoke….” (Acts 2:18-19)
When you work in a radical situation, you need a radical name! We’re
ministering in the midst of poverty, violence, degradation, with rampant
unemployment and under-employment. We need the Blood of Jesus and the fire of the Holy Spirit.