3 WAYS TO GIVE! YOU make it happen – all the things we do!
BnF/Somebody Cares San Antonio, 21519 Tenore, San Antonio,TX 78259
Text “GIVE (AMOUNT) (CODE)” Example: “GIVE ($100.00) (general)
TO: (866) 631-0753
TEXT GIVE (AMOUNT) (purpose)
- EXAMPLE: GIVE ($100.00)(general)
- TEXT TO: 866-631-0753
We continue to giveaway groceries each month. rain, shine, pandemic, whatever! The need is great, and God provides! You too can help out!! SPONSOR A GROCERY COLLECTION at your place of work, your church, your small group and more. MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Message us for more info!
Are you aware of our work in Cambodia? Look at this……
Mark Roye periodically goes to Southeast Asia with teams, taking humanitarian aid, primarily working with organizations that are dedicated to the prevention of human trafficking. (www.freedomspromise.org) Although COVID has prohibited travel to Cambodia for the last year, The work has continued as locals, with whom we are in regular communication with, who have been trained by our team, have carried on with our work. They have been doing a great job. The need for funding and donations is as great as ever! We have a tentative trip planned this Fall ’21. Contact Mark for more info.
“Share your Sole” 8/5/2023 300+ Pairs of Shoes Were Given Away!
August 5, 2023! Our 20th year of “Share Your Sole!”We gave away NEW shoes, in the inner city. In Partnership with Harpers Chapel Ministries, we gave away over 300 pairs of NEW shoes, to some great kids, just in time for the new school year. Thank you to those that so generously provided!
WE NEED YOU! Help us do what we do. YOU can make it happen!
“He who is gracious to the poor…lends to God….and He will greatly repay.” Proverbs 19:17
We are grassroots. We are boots on the ground. We are NOT underwritten by a foundation or mega-donor. 80% of our income comes from individuals just like YOU! We need to expand because there are more and more families showing up in the inner city of San Antonio that need EVERYTHING. They need food, they need household items, and more and more and more…… Like everything else, our expenses, such as liability insurance, utilities, fuel for our van…continue to increase. We need more people willing to fund what we do so we can do more. Why not YOU?…….. Invest in the lives of our urban poor.
All donations are tax deductible. Hit the donate button on this website, or mail a check to 21519 Tenore, San Antonio, 78259.
Many many thanks.
What about that name?……….
What about it?
“….I will pour out my Spirit in those days; and they shall prophesy. I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth
beneath; BLOOD and FIRE, and vapor of smoke….” (Acts 2:18-19)
When you work in a radical situation, you need a radical name! We’re ministering in the midst of poverty, violence, degradation, with rampant
unemployment and under-employment.
We need the BLOOD of JESUS and the FIRE of the HOLY SPIRIT.